Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 5th Meeting

Hi to all!

Judd opened the meeting this evening with 10 members present and 2 guests. Dalton Perryman and Jim Blanchard stayed for the meeting and we were very glad to have them.

Judd asked for any Show & Tell pics and Rosalie, Anne, Marty & Judd all had pics to share with us.

A question was raised about whether or not the Missouri State University's observatory on Hillcrest Road would let photographer's come in and take pictures. Judd said he would check on this and get back to us.

One of our challenges for this week was FOOLS and Jerry and Judd both had pics. This was a hard catagory, or so I thought, and I was impressed with Jerry's photo. He had set up a statue of a jester and set up two mirrors and the effect looked like a carousel. VERY NICE!

Our next challenge was PLANNING and Marty, Katie & Judd had pics to share for this catagory. Everyone did a great job! Thank you.

Judd let us know of an educational opportunity at At this site you can learn about almost anything computer or Photoshop related that you want. There is a monthly fee for this but check it out and see what you think. Judd is studying CS5 and learning SO much and is really excited about it.

Judd also told us of a site for flash photography techniques. is where he got the information for the flash deflector that he made for all of us. Katie actually used her deflector for her 'PLANNING" challege this week.

Judd had a couple of handouts for us this week. One was on 'recovering images from a damaged SD card' and the other was on 'waterfall digital photography'. I don't know about the rest of you but these handouts help me and I am very glad for the information.

We decided on a field trip to Dogwood Canyon to take place on Saturday, April 16th. We will meet at the Wal-Mart parking lot at 8 am and carpool. Pack a lunch and for some a late snack also as I heard talk of some staying until late to get the late afternoon light. You can walk, take a tram, rent a bicycle or rent a stroller. (tram is 24.87, stroller is $6.00, not sure of the charge for the bicycle or bicycle built for two) When we were there on Sunday we walked but I still haven't been able to get all the way around (6-7 miles total) so I am planning on the tram as I would love to get to see the animals on the Arkansas side of this route. Also, if you walk it you can only go as far as the trapper's cabin so if you want to see the animals the tram is the way to go. Rosalie says the tram gets up close and personal with the wildlife.  If you want to go and weren't at the meeting just give Judd a call (933-5450) and he will put you on the list.

Our highlight of the evening was a tour of Rosalie's studio, computer and printing room and framing room. She and Dalton gave us a guided tour and explained how they use everything. It was so much fun and very informative!!! Thank you to Rosalie and Dalton!!!!

Tom got a schedule of the events for the train and is going to put it on Facebook. Be sure to look at it if he is your "friend" otherwise I will get it and share. If you are not on facebook then take a look at this web site.

Jerry and Judd shared their '10 shots of the same subject' with us. Jerry's was of a tractor and Judd's was of a waterfall. Very nice to both of you!

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 19th and will be held in a picnic type form at Judd & Marcia's house. Bring your cameras and tri-pods for star trails and night photography. Also, bring a dish to pass, drink and a lawn chair would be helpful. Hope to see you all there and if you need directions just give us a call at 933-5450.

Till we meet again,

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