Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scheduled May 29 through June 9

New information about the Union Pacific's Little Rock Express Steam Excursion

March 15th meeting

Hi all!!!

Judd opened the meeting tonight with 11 members present; he started the meeting with Show & Tell. Rosalie, Katie, Jerry & Judd all had photos to share with us.

Judd went over a little more information about the Palo Duro Canyon in Texas; he had called about motel rooms and got some rates. We had discussed at our last meeting about maybe going here over Memorial Day weekend but the steam locomotive that Tom had talked about is making its run this same weekend. You might remember this is the train that will run from Kansas City to Jeff City to St. Louis and then on to Little Rock. Tom will get us an itinery for this run so that we might be able to go and photograph it.

Next we did the challenge on 'Motion'. Jerry, Rosalie, Katie & Judd all had pictures to share. These were really good - a dog, horses & a baby mule. Thanks to all of you for sharing!

Next we did the challenge on 'Vegetables' and Rosalie, Judd, Katie, Jerry & Marcia all had pictures to share. Makes you hungry just looking at the photos. The next challenge was 'Underneath' and Jerry, Judd, Rosalie & Katie had pictures for this challenge.
Good job to all of you!!!!!

Judd handed out our April calendars with our new weekly challenges on them. We're going to have some really good challenges this month. 'Fools' 'Excitement' 'Work' 'Growth' 'Trees' and 'Mother'

Judd also handed out the Sun/Moon Calculators for April and explained a little about how it works so we can determine where the moon will be for our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be April 5th and we will be meeting at  Judd & Marcia's house for a weinie roast and night pictures. We did this last year as well and it was a lot of fun. Looks like maybe the moon will cooperate and we might be able to get some star trails as well. So remember to bring your tripods, camera, remote trigger, make sure to find out if you have a histogram on your camera and where to find it and find out if you have long exposure noise reduction and turn it off. Bring a dish to pass, the brats, dogs and burgers will be provided. Also, your children and spouses are welcome. Bring a lawn chair and drink as well; water will be furnished.

Our challenges for the next meeting will be 'Planning' 'Fools' and Judd wants us to take 10 pictures of the same subject at different angles. Pick out the ones you like the best and bring them also.

We discussed again about taking pictures in a studio setting. Since we haven't heard back from the guy in Springfield Rosalie offered to let us use her new studio that she has recently set up. This sounds like a lot of fun and we don't have to travel far to boot!!!! Rosalie brought a picture of her new studio and she has done a really fine job of setting it up! Good for you Rosalie!

Pam spoke to us about the Art Stroll in Marshfield on May 21st. We discussed setting up pictures on easels at the Jubilee Theater for all to see and each of us making a 10 minute or less DVD on our favorite pictures to be played for the public to see as well. We will bring snacks also to share. 

Jerry set up an e-bay booth tonight to show how to take pictures in it. I saw some really good pictures of an onion being taken and some other small objects. On the other end of the room Debbie and Judd had 'bounce flash' being demonstated. I learned how to use a reflector properly for this process and could really see the difference in the pics that Katie was taking.

If anyone has any questions about any of this material or what  to bring to anything coming up just call.

Until we meet again!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 1st meeting

Hi all!

Judd opened the meeting this evening with 14 members present and 2 guests, Christine Flaro and Carol Cantrell. Welcome to our meeting to both of them!

Judd asked if anyone had brought pictures for him to present to Mike Cullen from the Marshfield Mail as he has a meeting with him tomorrow about our club and was asked to bring a sampling of photos that were done by our members.

Judd and Marcia showed their pictures of 'deconstucting light', 'tired', 'sleep' and 'up close' as they were gone and needed to get caught up on the challenges.

Next we had Show & Tell. Katie showed us her picture of an eagle. She had entered this picture in a contest through Digital Photography Challenge and it came in 19th place out of 500. That is quite a feat! Congratulations Katie, keep up the good work!!!!!!

Marty showed us some pics she had done in a studio setting of a young couple that were awesome!!! She is really doing some fantastic work!

Marcia showed a picture of star trails that she did on her trip to Arizona in February and

Judd showed some of the pictures he took while on that trip as well.

Judd handed out calendars for March about our next challenges. The challenges for our next meeting will be 'Action', 'Vegetables' and 'Underneath'.

Next we showed our pictures of the challenges that were due for this meeting:

'Romance' - Marty, Katie, Judd and Kelley had photos for this.

'Body Parts' - Katie, Marcia, Jerry and Judd had photos for this.

Good job to all of you!

Our guest speaker this evening was David Eslick from the Southwest Missouri Camera Club in Springfield. He is an Ansel Adams look alike that has 30+ years professional photography experience. Jerry runs in to him at many events and asked him to speak to us this evening. He gave us some insight into his work with a slideshow of events he has covered. He is quite a character and his passion for photography and people really showed. Thank you David for sharing with us!

Our next meeting will be on March 15th at the Marshfield Library. Debbie & Judd will be demonstrating bounce flash and Jerry & Larry will have a small studio setup so bring your cameras to use.

The April 5th meeting will be held at Judd & Marcia's house and we will be doing night photography for sure and star trails if the moon is cooperating. We will have a short meeting so bring your challenge pics this evening. We will also have a weinie roast this evening so if you are coming from work you won't go hungry! We had a good time the last time we did this.

Judd spoke to us about Palo Duro Canyon; a long days drive from here in Texas near Amarillo. He and Marcia visited this canyon on their trip and thought it would be a great location for a club trip if anyone was interested. We would probably get some very good pictures there when the desert is in bloom. This canyon is billed as the second largest in the United States and the nice thing is you can drive through it. We discussed going as a club over Memorial Day weekend. Judd will call and get more info on costs and motels and let us know at the next meeting; we had about 9 people interested in this and if any of you weren't at tonight's meeting and would like to go just let us know.

Until we meet again.
Have fun with your cameras! We love seeing the results!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is a link I discovered, due to an email from Zenfolio.
Don't know anything about the company, but if Zenfolio
recommends it, I feel it is worth passing on.
If there is a trip in the future, I plan to check them out.