Monday, February 28, 2011

February 15th meeting

Minutes from the February 15th meeting.

Jerry brought the meeting to order with 8 present.
Our challenges were: Macro, Tired and Sleep.
Jerry reminded everyone that we will be having David Eslick as a guest speaker on our March 1st meeting.
We went on to our show and tell.  Rosalie had a photo of a Bluebird, John Pruitt had a photo of a squirrel and a purple finch. Larry had a female cardinal that he had found out walking. Yes he was walking not the bird. 

Samples of Deconstructing Light:
Katie – Night scene with the snow.
Rosalie – Sunset and the snow.
John -  Amaryllis. Up close and personal.
Jerry – Pathway in the Evening.
All great interpretations of the challenge as usual.

Jerry reminded everyone of the challenge to take a photo from the same place during the four seasons of the year.

Next we went on to our Macro challenge:
Katie – had a photo of heart shaped cookie cutters on a mirror.
Rosalie – had a photo of a Robin, the first sign that spring is just around the corner.
Jerry – had a photo of an ant face, very close up.

Our next challenge was tired:
Debbie – cat laying upside down
Katie – a self-portrait – very funny by the way, and she worked very hard to get this picture.
John – resting cat, nearly asleep.
Jerry – sleeping horse, which by the way you don’t find laying down very much.

Last challenge was Sleep, which was very close to the tired challenge:
Katie – her husband and dog curled up together.
Rosalie – Man dressed in Mexican attire and a Sombrero.

All the pictures we great to look at and share.

Jerry passed out the February calendar with the next challenges:
Body Parts, Romance, Spirit and Vegetables.
An additional challenge was – Dutch Angle Shot
A Dutch angle is achieved by tilting the camera off to the side so that the shots are static shots at an obscure angle. It can be a tricky one to achieve, not all subjects lend themselves to this disorienting look and it is often criticized when it is overdone. The purpose of this assignment is to understand how different shooting angles can create mood.

We also watched three segments of the DVD – Perfect Composition for digital cameras.

The meeting was adjourned for the night.